Health and Wellness
Learn more about our health policies and protocols

When to stay home sick?
It is difficult for a camper who isn’t feeling well to play. In addition, a sick camper may infect other campers. When a camper is ill, please keep them home from camp. If there is a question as to if a camper can attend camp, or should be sent home, the decision will be made by the Camp Nurse or the Director in the Nurses' absence.
A camper should stay home if they have any of the following within the last 24 hours:
A temperature of more than 100 degrees.
Nausea and vomiting.
Diarrhea: If your child has more than one watery stool within a 24-hour period.
A temperature of more than 99 degrees and exhibiting any of the following symptoms:
Persistent cough
Severe headache
Severe sore throat
Rash or infection of the skin
Red or pink eyes
If symptoms are severe or persist more than 24 hours, parents should call their pediatrician. If a camper develops any of these symptoms while at camp, a parent or guardian will be asked to come and take the camper home.
Bacterial Infection: A camper who has a bacterial infection should not return to camp until they have taken antibiotics for 24 hours. Similarly, a camper who has an elevated temperature should not return to camp until the temperature has been normal (below 99 degrees) for 24 hours.
Eyes: Eyes are sometimes swollen and irritated by allergies or viruses, however, if your child has thick mucus or pus draining from his/her eye(s), or if the eye is red, puffy and itchy or painful please consult your physician. Your child can attend camp 24 hours after starting on medical treatment if they have bacterial conjunctivitis.
Covid: If your child has covid, here are the isolation guidelines. Please reach out to the camp nurse for clearance and confirmation of camp return. Masking may be necessary even upon return of shortened isolation. Sibling or household contacts who continue to test negative may also have masking guidelines.
Communicable diseases: If your child’s healthcare provider diagnoses your child with a communicable disease please immediately contact the camp nurse. A note is required from the healthcare provider to return to camp. Upon return to camp, the camper must check in with the nurse before returning to camp.
Some common communicable diseases include:
Covid 19
Chicken Pox
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Fifth disease
Streptococcal disease
Whooping cough
Once a communicable disease is diagnosed, a note containing the type of communicable disease, signs and symptoms, and preventative care may be sent home to families in your child’s camp group. It is important to note that the confidentiality of the child is respected and information identifying the student is not included in the note or disclosed to other families.
Medical Conditions
Please reach out to Kate Tompkins ( if a camper has a specific medical condition or requires special accommodations. Please provide as much detail as possible and include any orders, medications or emergency care plan from the child's healthcare provider. Ex: Diabetes, seizures, mobility issues, PKU etc. All medical information provided will be kept confidential and shared only with authorized camp staff members directly involved in the camper's well-being.
Mental Health Considerations:
Inform us of any mental health concerns your child may have. We are here to provide support and address these needs as we are able..
Prescription Medications in Camp
If your child needs medication at camp, a medication order needs to be filled out by your healthcare provider. All medications will need to be brought in its original container and stored in the nurse’s office.
Medications are to be delivered to the camp nurse by a responsible adult in a pharmacy or manufacturer-‐labeled container. Please ask your pharmacy to provide separate bottles for camp and home.
If the medication is a controlled medication, a medication count will need to be conducted by parent and camp nurse each time it is dropped off. This requires a parent and nurse to count each pill and sign off on the medication count.
Emergency medications require a medication order and an Emergency Action Plan. Ex: Inhalers, epipens, benadryl, glucagon and diazepam Asthma Action Plan and Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Epi-pens and inhalers will be readily available to campers. We have a large campus and children are in different classrooms throughout the day, so there will be Epi-pens available in several locations: in a designated cabinet in the nurse’s office. A signed Medical Authorization Form for Epi-pen and/or inhaler use must be on file online or in the Health Office and must be renewed annually.
Special Dietary Needs:
Inform us of any dietary restrictions to pass onto the Sage cafeteria to accommodate lunch options that meet these requirements.
Lice Policy
We have a no active lice policy. If your child has lice, please keep them home and begin treatment. If found while here in camp with active head lice, they will be dismissed and may return to camp next day following treatment, having checked in with the nurse before returning. Children will be rechecked following treatment.